Evolution of Physics
Greek Contributions
earliest history of physics is interrelated with that of the other
sciences. A number of contributions were made during the period of Greek
civilization, dating from Thales and the early Ionian natural
philosophers in the Greek colonies of Asia Minor (6th and 5th cent. B.C.). Democritus (c.460–370 B.C.)
proposed an atomic theory of matter and extended it to other phenomena
as well, but the dominant theories of matter held that it was formed of a
few basic elements, usually earth, air, fire, and water. In the school
founded by Pythagoras of Samos the principal concept was that of number;
it was applied to all aspects of the universe, from planetary orbits to
the lengths of strings used to sound musical notes.
The most important philosophy of the Greek period was produced by two men at Athens, Plato (427–347 B.
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